17 Dec 7 Design Tips for A Successful Roadside Banner
7 Design Tips for a Successful Roadside Banner
You drew the short straw – the task of ordering a banner for your school or PTA fair! Where to start on the design?
Read our 7 design tips for roadside advertising success:
- Make sure you know what the event is going to be. Make sure you can describe it in one or two words. Where is it going to be held? – make sure this is on the banner, even if it is just HERE! Finally you need to mention timings and tickets.
- Size – where are you going to hang it? There is no shortcut here. Get the tapemeasure out. Pay particular attention to the bottom of the banner – don’t have it too low to the ground where weeds and grasses might cover the important elements. This will also indicate whether you are going to be appealing to pedestrians or drivers.
- Choose a background or image that is relevant to your club, location or the event. It could be a logo, or a full colour picture of a local park – but make sure the background is not necessarily central to the design and detracting from the wording
- Choose a bold complimentary colour for the lettering. Make it a single colour. Avoid fades, outlines and fancy script. It has GOT to be easy to read from a distance. Consider using alternate colour lettering. Imagine you are driving on a fast road. The first time you pass, you might read the top line. The next time you might struggle to read the next line but if it is in a different colour somehow it is easier for the eye to catch it.
- QR codes do work on banners for ticket sales, but make sure it is of a size that makes it safe for people to scan. You don’t want passersby stepping back into a road.
- Bullet points, lists and tiny writing are for leaflets NEVER for banners. Try to cut the wording down as much as possible. Can images do the talking?
- Consider saving the stress of ordering a new banner next year. By following the above guide, you can keep the same banner and simply update the event/date/time details by ordering new lettering from your supplier
7 design tips Griffin Designs can offer you?
- A one-stop design and supply shop for your banner – the stress stops here
- Vinyl lettering to update it for the future – so you can change the date on your banner when you need to.
- We can create designs for you to show to a committee or your colleagues before committing
- Take this banner for Woodlavington Church – the image was originally drawn by a member of the congregation! And now it is a much admired banner, being spotted by many local Christmas Fair goers!
- A unique design for your organisation – we never duplicate designs
- A cost effective solution delivered with cable ties for hanging – all in just a couple of weeks from agreement of artwork.
- Confidence of using a company with many years experience of drive by advertising.
Take a look at our designs on our socials or purchase online here