Do You Need Planning Permission for Roadside Banners?

Planning Permission for Roadside Banners

Do You Need Planning Permission for Roadside Banners?

Do You Need Planning Permission for Roadside Banners?

Vinyl advertising or roadside banners are a popular and cost-effective way to promote events, businesses, and special offers. However, many people are unsure about the regulations surrounding their display. In most cases, these banners are classified as temporary signage and are subject to specific rules. Here’s what you need to know to stay compliant.

Temporary Signage Regulations: The Basics

Vinyl banners are generally considered temporary signage, meaning they are allowed to be displayed for up to 30 days with the landowner’s permission. This makes them ideal for short-term advertising campaigns, such as event promotions or sales.  Remember to be respectful of highway visibility and also that verges might need to be cut.  Always make sure your banner is securely fastened and that you take it down after the event.

Getting Landowner Permission

Regardless of council rules, you must have the landowner’s permission to display your banner. This applies whether it’s on private property, a commercial building, or a fence along a public space. Without proper authorization, you risk having your banner taken down or facing legal consequences.So it might be that you are promoting a school event using your entrance gates.  You will not need planning permission for roadside banners if your local authority or school governors consent.  And if your banner is removed – why not check the local Highways depot, as they may have been stored there for collection.

Do All Councils Follow the Same Rules?

While the 30-day rule is common across many areas, some councils have additional regulations or exceptions. This could include:

  • Restrictions on the size or location of the banner – some will say 2m total coverage.
  • Specific rules for banners in conservation areas or on listed buildings.
  • Requirements for prior notification or a formal application, even for temporary signage.

To avoid fines or removal of your banner, it’s crucial to check with your local council before installation. A quick call or visit to their website can save time and ensure compliance.

Top Tips for Compliant Vinyl Banner Advertising

  1. Plan Ahead: Factor in time to check regulations and get the necessary permissions.
  2. Choose a Safe Location: Ensure the banner is securely mounted and does not obstruct views or pose safety risks.
  3. Monitor Display Time: Keep track of the 30-day limit to avoid overstaying your allowed period.
  4. Maintain Professional Standards: Ensure the banner is clean, legible, and free from damage to convey a professional image.
  5. Allow at least 14 days to get your banner designed and manufactured.

Conclusion: Know the Rules Before You Hang Your Banner

Vinyl banners are a versatile and effective advertising tool, but their use comes with regulations. By understanding the rules for temporary signage, checking with your local council, and obtaining landowner permission, you can ensure your advertising remains effective and compliant.

Need help designing your banner or navigating local signage regulations? Reach out to our team for expert advice or check out our re-usable banner page here!